About SCIP India


SCIP India was founded in 2017 to spread awareness and knowledge about this relatively new facet of Interventional Cardiology. Coronary Interventions, have grown by leaps & bounds since 1977. With time, the need had arisen to select the patients who would benefit most from angioplasty and deferring those that can be managed medically. In this context, Coronary Physiology is of utmost importance in selecting the patients – particularly amongst those with the Chronic Coronary Syndrome.

​To ensure that the interventional procedure is done well and remains so, optimising PCI with imaging is essential. IVUS and OCT gives more insight into an intervention pre, during and post procedure. Precision PCI with selecting the right lesions for PCI and ensuring that it is optimised with imaging is the way forward for all coronary interventions.

It is with this in mind that SCIP India was founded in 2017 by a group of interventional cardiologists in Kerala with Dr. C G Bahuleyan as the Founder President and Dr. P K Asokan as the honorary Secretary. It holds annual conferences in the field of Imaging & physiology with the pioneers in the field to popularise and integrate precision PCI into our practice. Apart from annual conferences, small focused sessions are held for groups of cardiologists under the aegis of SCIP India in various centres. 

A caption for the photo

SCIP India intends 

1. To bring all interventionists interested in Cardiovascular imaging and physiology under one umbrella.

2. To promote exchange of views and experience in the field of Imaging &  physiology for improvement of the interventional procedure. 

3. To conduct academic and scientific research.

4. To bring out monographs, technical series and publish periodicals in the concerned field.

5. To seek affiliation with national and regional societies to further awareness regarding precision PCI and evidence based procedures. 

Caption for a recent accomplishment
Caption for a recent accomplishment